Thursday, 6 May 2010

Lesson Plan with technology

Dear All
Following is my lesson plan with technology

Class (name, type of student): 20 M.Ed. students (who are appearing for their practice teaching sessions)

Duration: 2 hours

Technology component downloaded from/accessed in class at: Required materials will be downloaded from (For reading texts)
and (Fir model lesson plan)

Other material:
Chart paper

Review of previous lesson: Briefly talk about the theories behind teaching reading and major types of reading which were discussed in the previous lesson.

Objectives of this lesson (tell students about them):
At the end of the lesson students will be able to design a lesson plan for teaching intensive reading.

Presentation (teacher or student), including key vocabulary

1.Introduce the class with a brief talk on what a lesson plan is and its importance.
2.Introduce key vocabulary items: warmer, presentation, objective, learning style, pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading and evaluation.
3.Introduce the lesson in brief.

Activity (student)

1.Ask students the following questions and discuss in a pair.
a)What is an intensive reading?
b)How can it be fostered?
c)Should grammar and vocabulary be focused in an intensive reading? Why or why not?
d)What are the major points to be focused on while planning a lesson for the intensive listening?
2.Provide the lesson plan downloaded from and ask them to do the following activities:
a)What are the major components of the lesson plan?
b)What are the purposes of each component?
c)Ask them to read the text again and do the activities given in the lesson. (They will read the text for each component of the lesson)
3.I will provide them a text from
and ask them to design the similar kind of exercises for the each component of the previous lesson plan (Gorup work)
4.Ask them to share their ideas with other groups.
5.Ask them to work in a group and discuss how the model of the lesson plan they are already familiar with is different from present one. Also ask them which is more effective and how for teaching reading?
6.Ask them to share their ideas among the group.

Learning styles addressed: Group work, pair work, intensive reading

Technology alternative (in case things don't work as planned): Show them some more examples of the lesson plan from the website mentioned above.

Review before the end of the class session:
Ask the students to work in group and reflect on what they learned in the lesson.

Go through the website, find a text related to any issue and design the lesson plan for teaching intensive reading to the secondary level students. For more information go through

The template of the lesson plan provided by the University of Tennessee indicates that there is a difference between the technology integrated lesson plan and the plan without technology. First, in the technology integrated lesson, the source of where ideas come from is clearly stated. Since there are alternative websites for the same lesson, there is more chance of giving the lesson a variety. However, the effectiveness of technology enhanced lesson plan depends largely upon the access to technology both for the teachers and students.

I could see many differences between the lesson plan that I have been following and the template I have used here. I have been following PPP (Presentation, practice and production) which, as I reflect now, does not provide freedom to do activities. Moreover, the PPP model does not provide any chance for the reflection on the lesson from the part of the students which is crucial to make students realize the importance of what they learned. But in this new template, I could see that component. In the same way, since the technology integrated template provides a source for exploring more lesson plans or materials, it seems to promote the learner autonomy.

Sincerely yours

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